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24 Hour Trivia Games

What is Different About Gridstar & Ancilechat Trivia Apart From The Trivbot Itself?:

  • There are several differences between these two trivia rooms.
  • In Ancilechat room 1 Trivia you will find a Jackpot trivia quiz game. Trivbot's jackpot trivia asks questions to players and these quiz questions have a random points.
  • Should players be unable to answer a question asked, points from that question are stored by Trivbot (in a jackpot pot) and each time a question is unanswered more points are added, until at random Trivbot asks a jackpot question which has a high points value.
  • Points reduce as hints are given by Trivbot to current questions asked.
  • Trivia players are welcome to play in either or both of play trivias two chat rooms. Each chat room offers trivia players a different playing experience. For more experienced trivia players we recommend Ancilechat.net. Room 1